Copyright © 2001, 2002 Harald Wabnig





Speedy-Database User Documentation


Speedy-Database User Documentation. 1

General Advice. 1

Installation. 1

Installation under Windows. 2

Installation under Linux. 2

Speedy-Database Server Program “speedydb”. 2

Usage under Windows. 2

Usage under Linux. 2

Command-line Parameters. 4

Speedy-Database Limitations. 4

Speedy-Database Shell Program “speedysh”. 4

Command-line Parameters. 5

Information about Batchfile-Definition. 5

Speedy-Database Stop Program “speedyst”. 5

Speedy-Database Windows-Shutdown Program “speedysp”. 5

Speedy SQL-Interface Language Definition. 5

Lexical parser 5

Datatypes. 6

Syntax of SQL-commands. 8

Special database commands. 9


General Advice


Speedy allows the use of unique indices and indices. Unique indices only speedy up evaluation if the index only contains one attribute. If the unique index contains more than one attribute you have to use another (non-unique) index on the attributes. Be aware that each (non-unique) index is internally mapped to single attribute indexes (but you can define more than one index with for an attribute; the index is only hold once). You can drop and create indices on demand. The indices are stored for static/secure tables. Loading of large databases is optimised.


Speedy evaluates the queries from left to right. So to speed up evaluation you should use an index and formulate the query from more specific to general:

e.g. Assume that there are rows with ascending integer values ival from 1 to 100000. You should write a select like SELECT ival WHERE ival < 100 AND ival > 20 rather than ival > 20 AND ival < 100.



Download the Speedy-package appropriate for your System. Packages for Linux ( and Windows ( are available. All packages are compressed in the zip-format. So you need a zip-utility to uncompress (e.g. Winzip under Windows or “unzip” under Linux).


Uncompress the package to a new directory. The file-structure contains sub-directories which holds the binaries and library-files.

Installation under Windows

If you want access to the Speedy-package-binaries from the MSDOS-shell you must add the path to the binary-directory to the PATH-environment-variable in the “autoexec.bat”-file in the root directory of drive C.


To set up the paths you should edit the file “autoexec.bat” for example in the following way:



SET PATH=<existing PATH>;<Speedy-path>\bin;

SET DBDAT_PATH=<Speedy-path>\include\dat



See also the Speedy-Database-Programmer-Documentation for installation for developing applications.

Installation under Linux

You must add the path to the Speedy-package-binaries to the PATH-environment-variable. You can do this automatically by putting the command in the “.profile”-file in your home-directory.


To set up the paths you should edit the file “.profile” in the following way:



export PATH=.:<Speedy-path>/bin:$PATH

export DBDAT_PATH=<Speedy-path>/include/dat



See also the Speedy-Database-Programmer-Documentation for installation for developing applications.

Speedy-Database Server Program “speedydb”


Speedy is a main memory database. Nevertheless the database layout and selected user configured tables are stored to disk. The database layout is always stored. Therefore you must specify a directory-path to the place where the Speedy.dat-directory shall be stored. The Speedy.dat-directory contains all information about the database.


There are two ways to specify the path for the Speedy.dat-directory. One is to define the environment-variable SPEEDY_PATH. This path is used if not “speedydb” is started with the “-s”-option which overwrites this setting. If none of these two are used the Speedy.dat-directory is stored in the home-directory of the user (you must set the environment-variable HOME under Windows). If this information is also missing the Speedy.dat-directory is the current directory (i.e. the directory from which “speedydb” is invoked).

Usage under Windows

You will want to start the database-server on Windows boot-up and stop the database-server on System shut-down. You can do this by adding the two programs “speedydb” and “speedysp” to the autoexec-folder.


If you occasionally want to start the server-program just make an icon on the desktop with program reference to “speedydb.exe”. In this case you will also want to stop the database at a given time. For this you can set up an icon on the desktop with reference to “speedyst.exe”.

Usage under Linux

If you occasionally want to start the server-program just execute “speedydb.exe&” in a command-shell. This command starts the database-server as a background process. You can then stop the database by calling “speedyst.exe” on a command-shell. If you start the server-program in the foreground you can simply press “Ctrl-C” to stop the server-program. In any case all relevant information is automatically stored.

SuSE 7.0-Installation


You can automatically start Speedy when booting Linux and shutdown Speedy when Linux is shut down.


To automatically start Speedy on boot up and stop Speedy on shutdown for the SuSE 7.0-distribution you would have to do the following:


1. Create a file “speedy” with the following content:


#! /bin/sh

# Copyright (c) 2001 Harald Wabnig.


# Author: Harald Wabnig


# /sbin/init.d/speedy




. /etc/rc.config


SPEEDY_PATH=<directory path to Speedy-bin-directory>

SPEEDY_DAT=<directory path to Speedy.dat-directory>


# Determine the base and follow a runlevel link name.




# Force execution if not called by a runlevel directory.

test $link = $base


# The echo return value for success (defined in /etc/rc.config).


case "$1" in


        checkproc $SPEEDY_PATH/speedydb && {

            killproc $SPEEDY_PATH/speedydb 2> /dev/null

            echo -n "Re-"


       echo -n "Starting database server (Speedy):"

startproc $SPEEDY_PATH/speedydb -s$SPEEDY_DAT || return=$rc_failed

echo -e "$return"



echo -n "Shutting down database server (Speedy):"

killproc -TERM $SPEEDY_PATH/speedydb || return=$rc_failed

echo -e "$return"



$0 stop  &&  $0 start  ||  return=$rc_failed



$0 stop  &&  $0 start  ||  return=$rc_failed



echo -n "Checking for database server (Speedy): "

checkproc $SPEEDY_PATH/speedydb && echo OK || echo No process



echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload}"

exit 1




# Inform the caller not only verbosely and set an exit status.

test "$return" = "$rc_done" || exit 1

exit 0


2. Copy file “speedy” to directory '/sbin/init.d'


3. Make soft-links to ../speedy in directory '/sbin/init.d/rc.2'


   ln -s ../speedy S60speedy

   ln -s ../speedy K60speedy


Command-line Parameters

General format:      speedydb [options]

Possible options:

*    -?: Prints information on command-line options.

*    -h<HOST>: Defines the host-name to run the database-server. The default value is determined by the system-function "gethostname". Note: The database-server can only be run on the local host. So this parameter can not be used at the moment.

*    -p<PORT>: Defines the communication port for the database-server. The default value is 12453 (spdycomm.h: DB_DEFPORT).

*    -m<max-results>: Defines the default maximum number of results from a database select. This value can be changed by the SQL-command "MAX". The default value is 30000 (speedydb.h: DB_MAX_RESULTS).

*    -s<SPEEDY_PATH>: Defines the path to the directory "Speedy.dat" which holds static database information (i.e. database layout and contents of static tables).

Speedy-Database Limitations



*  The maximum length of Identifiers is 32 characters

*  The maximum length of a database-query should not be more than 10000 characters

*  The maximum number of concurrently open connections is 15

*  The maximum number of concurrently open cursors per connection is 20

*  The maximum number of databases is 15

*  The maximum number of tables which can be changed within a transaction is 256

*  The maximum number of attributes for a single table is 256

  Limitations on Results to Select-Commands


*  The maximum number of results from a select is 30000 rows (you can use “speedydb”-command-line option “-m” to overwrite this value or you can use the special SQL-command “MAX <number>” to define another limit)

*  The maximum number of intermediary results from sub-selects is 1000000

*  Speedy-database uses no more memory than the sum of the physical and the virtual memory divided by 10 with 8 MB as a minimum; if more memory is required to evaluate a select-command the result-set will be not fully evaluated

*  The maximum number of functions allowed in a select-command is 10

*  The maximum number of sub-selects in a select-command is 10

*  The maximum number of attribute-references in sub-selects to attributes to upper-level (sub-)selects is 20

*  The maximum number of elements in the WHERE-evaluation-stack is 100

Speedy-Database Shell Program “speedysh”


The program “speedysh” can be used to basically interact with the SQL-database. You can create databases (e.g. “speedysh CREATE testdb”), destroy databases (e.g. “speedysh DESTROY testdb”), interactively work with database or execute commands from a file (e.g. “speedysh testdb –Isql_file”).

Command-line Parameters

General format:      speedysh dbname [options]

Possible options:

*    -?: Prints information on command-line options.

*    dbname: The name of the database to interact. The database must exists.

*    CREATE: Creates a new database with name <dbname>.

*    DESTROY: Destroy the existing database with name <dbname>.

*    -i<filename>: The file <filename> is processed instead of keyboard input.

*    -s|-silent: The typed SQL-commands are not echoed to the output.

*    -h<HOST>: Defines the host-name to run the database-server. The default value is determined by the system-function "gethostname". Note: The database-server can only be run on the local host. So this parameter can not be used at the moment.

*    -p<PORT>: Defines the communication port for the database-server. The default value is 12453 (spdycomm.h: DB_DEFPORT).

Information about Batchfile-Definition


*  You may not give more than one command in a line.

*  You must finish each command with a ”;”.

*  Lines beginning with "--" are comments.

*  Lines beginning with "#" marks this line to be the end of the file.

Speedy-Database Stop Program “speedyst”


This program simply sends the STOP DATABASE command to the database server. If no active database server is found a warning is printed. Else the database-server terminates and print status of storing the database and database stopping. This program has no command-line options.


Speedy-Database Windows-Shutdown Program “speedysp”


This program is only available for Windows. When Windows shut-down is issued the program terminates the database server. This program has no command-line options. You should automatically start this program on Windows boot-up.


Speedy SQL-Interface Language Definition

Lexical parser


  upper or lower case is accepted (internally only upper-case is used)













    MIN, MAX,











    (a..z, A..Z)[a..z, A..Z, _, 0..9]*


    must be different to keywords

    maximum length is 32 characters




    "'" [ <all characters except "'"; use "\" to quote characters> ] "'"


  Integer values




    Remark: If the integer-value exceeds the integer range, it is treated as double.


  Double values




    Remark: If the integer-value exceeds the integer range, it is treated as double.






    Constant definition: see "Strings"

    Range: size must be smaller than 10000 characters

    NULL-value: ''

    Operators: "<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>", LIKE

    Examples: 'hello', 'from \'A\' to \'B\''




    Constant definition: characters from “ “ to “~” can be defined literally;

                         single binary values can be quoted by “$”;

                         sequences of binary values are quoted by “§” at the beginning and “§” at the end;

                         “$” is defined as “$$”; “§” is defined as “§§”;

                         binary characters are encoded in hexadecimal form with two digits

    Range: size must be smaller than 10000 characters

    NULL-value: ''

    Operators: "<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>", LIKE

    Examples: 'hello', 'from \'A\' to \'B\''




    Constant definition: see "Integer values"

    Range: as short in C-language

    NULL-value: -32768

    Operators: "<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>"

    Examples: -60, 0, +50, 7000, 1e3, 10E-0




    Constant definition: see "Integer values"

    Range: as int/long in C-language

    NULL-value: -2147483647L

    Operators: "<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>"

    Examples: -60, 30, -10e7, 576, -5000, +20




    Constant definition: see "Double values"

    Range: as double in C-language

    NULL-value: -1.e+20

    Operators: "<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>"

    Examples: -1e20, 2.25, -5.60, 1000.15, 0.1, 1.45e-10




    Constant definition: 'yyyy-mm-dd'

    Range: year must be within 1800 and 2800

    NULL-value: '1800-01-01'

    Operators: "<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>"

    Examples: '2001-04-19', '1998-05-15'




    Constant definition: 'hh:mm:ss'

    Range: no limitations

    NULL-value: '00:00:00'

    Operators: "<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>"

    Examples: '15:20:15'




    Constant definition: ''

    Range: year must be within 1800 and 2800

    NULL-value: '1800-01-01-'

    Operators: "<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>"

    Examples: '2001-04-19-', '1998-05-15-'



Syntax of SQL-commands




      where-expression = expression [ AND expression ]* |


      expression = "(" expression ")" |

                   NOT expression |

                   expression [ OR expression ]* |

                   operand [ operator operand ] |

                   identifier operator "(" subselect ")" |

                   EXISTS "(" subselect ")" |

                   identifier IN "(" subselect ")" |

                   identifier IN "(" constant [ "," constant ]* ")" |

                   identifier LIKE constant |

                   identifier BETWEEN constant AND constant


      operator = "<" | ">" | "=" | "<=" | ">=" | "<>"


      operand = [ identifier "." ] identifier |



      subselect = SELECT [ DISTINCT ] select-column

        FROM identifier [ identifier ] [ "," identifier [ identifier ] ]*

        [ WHERE where-expression ]




      [ identifier "." ] identifier |

      [ identifier "." ] "*"

      "*" |

      COUNT "(" "*" ")" |

      MIN "(" [ identifier "." ] identifier ")" |

      MAX "(" [ identifier "." ] identifier ")" |



  CREATE TABLE identifier (

    identifier datatype [ NOT NULL ]

    [ "," identifier datatype [ NOT NULL ] ]*



    Meaning: creates a new table with the given attributes

    Example: CREATE TABLE table1 (code CHARACTER(4) NOT NULL);

             CREATE TABLE table2 (code CHARACTER(4), small SMALLINT NOT NULL);


  DROP TABLE identifier


    Meaning: destroys the existing table named <identifier>; all indices of

             the table are automatically destroyed;

    Example: DROP TABLE table1;


  CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX identifier ON identifier  (

    identifier [ "," identifier ]*



    Meaning: creates a new index on a table

    Example: CREATE INDEX table1idx1 ON table1 (code);

             CREATE UNIQUE INDEX table2idx1 ON table2 (code, small);


  DROP INDEX identifier


    Meaning: destroys the existing table-index

    Example: DROP INDEX table1idx1;

    Remark: index names must be unique for the whole database




  SELECT [ DISTINCT ] select-column [ "," select-column ]*

        FROM identifier [ identifier ] [ "," identifier [ identifier ] ]*

        [ WHERE where-expression ]

        [ ORDER BY [ identifier "." ] identifier [ ASC | DESC ]

                   [ "," [ identifier "." ] identifier [ ASC | DESC ] ]*


    Meaning: selects rows from a table; the where-expression can be used to

             defines which rows to select; the order-expression can be used

             to sort the select-results;

    Example: SELECT * FROM table1;

             SELECT DISTINCT code FROM table1 ORDER BY code;

             (more examples are given later on)




    Meaning: starts a transaction; you can only issue database changes and

             cursor-selects within transactions;

    Example: BEGIN;




    Meaning: successfully finishes a transaction; all database changes are

             performed; similar functionality to the COMMIT command;

    Example: END;




    Meaning: successfully finishes a transaction; all database changes are


    Example: COMMIT;




    Meaning: terminates a transaction; all database changes within the transaction

             are discarded;

    Example: ROLLBACK;


  DECLARE identifier CURSOR FOR select-command


    Meaning: defines a cursor for accessing subsets of the results from a

             select command; this command can only be issued within a transaction;

    Example: DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM table1;


  FETCH [ ALL ] IN identifier


    Meaning: reads from an open cursor one row; to read all remaining rows

             use the keyword ALL;

    Example: FETCH IN cur1;

             FETCH ALL IN cur1;


  CLOSE identifier


    Meaning: closes an opened cursor; a cursor is automatically closed when

             the corresponding transaction is finished; a cursor can be closed

             before all result rows are evaluated;

    Example: CLOSE cur1;


  INSERT INTO identifier [ "(" identifier [ "," identifier ]* ")" ]

      VALUES "(" constant [ "," constant ]* ")"


    Meaning: inserts a new row into a table; all attributes which are 

             Defined as NOT NULL must be defined; insert is only possible

             if all existing unique indices allows the operation;

             this command can only be issued within a transaction;

    Example: INSERT INTO table1 VALUES ('abcd');

             INSERT INTO table1 (code) VALUES ('10');

             INSERT INTO table2 VALUES ('', 10);

             INSERT INTO table2 (small) VALUES (10);


  UPDATE identifier SET identifier "=" constant [ "," identifier "=" constant ]*

      WHERE where-expression


    Meaning: updates rows from a table; the where-expression can be used to

             defines which rows to update;

             this command can only be issued within a transaction;

    Example: UPDATE table1 SET code = '20';

             UPDATE table2 SET small = '20' WHERE small = 10;

             UPDATE table2 SET small = '20', code = '20' WHERE small = 10;


  DELETE FROM identifier

      WHERE where-expression


    Meaning: deletes rows from a table; the where-expression can be used to

             defines which rows to delete;

             this command can only be issued within a transaction;

    Example: DELETE FROM table1;

             DELETE FROM table2 WHERE small = 10;


Special database commands


  CREATE DATABASE identifier;


    Meaning: creates a new database named <identifier>

    Example: CREATE DATABASE db1;




    Meaning: destroys an existing database (the one which is actually


    Example: DROP DATABASE;


  SET DATABASE identifier;


    Meaning: connects the application to database <identifier>

    Example: SET DATABASE db1;


  SET TABLE <tablename> STATIC;

    This command defines that a table is static. This means that the

    content of the table shall be conserved even if the database-server

    is stopped. All static tables will keep their contents, all other

    tables will be empty upon restart of the database-server.


    Note: The table-structure (attributes and indices) is always saved.


  SET TABLE <tablename> SECURE;

    This command defines that a table is secure. This means that the

    content of the table shall be conserved even if the computer has

    a severe error (power off, hard-reboot). All secure tables will

    keep their contents, all other tables (even if declared as static)

    are empty or may loose data.


    Note: The table-structure (attributes and indices) is always saved.



    This command saves the actual contents of the tables which are defined



  MAX <max-results>;

    This command defines the maximum number of result rows returned from

    a select-query. Defining zero deactivates the limitation of row




    This command lists all databases.



    This command lists all tables of the active database. In addition to

    each table the information is given whether it is a static table.



    This command lists all indices of the active database. In addition to

    each index the information is given to which table the index belongs.


  SHOW TABLE <tablename>;

    This command lists all attributes of the given table in the active

    database. The datatype, the size for character-attributes and the

    information whether the attribute can be null is given.


  SHOW INDICES ON TABLE <tablename>;

    This command lists all indices of the given table in the active



  SHOW INDEX <indexname>;

    This command lists all attributes of the given index in the active

    database. The datatype, the size for character-attributes and the

    information whether the attribute can be null is given.




    Meaning: stops the database server

    Example: STOP DATABASE;